

Fluttering yellow and black,

They land for a sip of water.

Their friends float near by,

Bouncing rays off gossamer wings.

A moment of peace in a crazy world

The spin slows to quarter time

And calm takes over.

The heart slows, a smile spreads.

Wish you were here to see this place.

Travel down the gravel roads,

Listen to the babbling streams.

Watch as the butterflies take flight.


Blue Ridge Mornings

Settled in, cup of tea in hand;

The chair gently sways beneath.

A warm sip trails down her throat.

The mist before her begins to lift

And the world comes to life.

Blue ridges off in the distance

Green trees rustle near by.

A bluebird flits from limb to limb

While a warbler sings to the side.

Yellow, white, orange and purple…

Clumps of wildflowers dance.

The mist lifts revealing skies so blue.

The birds fall quiet as the day begins.


Rolling Hills

Slumber fell from tired eyes,

Deep dreams, vivid like memories.

Rolling green hills, leading to mountains.

A gray mist hung in the air, petrichor.

Songs of cardinals and whipporwills echo.

Wooden rocking chairs on a porch creak

As the wind sways red-flowered baskets.

This is the place. Or it was the place.

Past or future, her mind will not tell.

But peace found her in that moment.

poetry, Uncategorized

Teal and Red

Blossoms tumble from above

Falling on bare shoulders below

Brown hair tucked up at her nape,

Fingertips float across her silk skirt,

A vibrant teal and red sash trails behind.

It should clash, but instead there is harmony.

He awaits her arrival anxiously,

But knows their future lies ahead.

Hearts full and eyes wide open.


Over It All

Dark circles surround heavy eyes

Energy drained and the world swirls

Nothing stands still, nothing feels right.

All that is needed is grounding.

The rug pulled out, footing lost,

Stumbling over every obstacle,

Exhausted from the quaking world

Failing at every turn,

and no, it doesn’t mean first attempt in learning…

Shifting goal posts, unstated expectations,

Boundaries crossed, it’s all getting old.

Find patience, show me grace.

Tears fall, uncontrollably. Over it all.



Trying to find a different way,

Thought I might get lost in clay

Smashing through the grog

Relieving my stress backlog.

However, anxiety still exists

It’s one of those dastardly beasts.

So now I’m here, scrawling about,

My mind continues to run with doubt.

Work, and home, nothing’s great.

Will this always be my fate?

poetry, writing


She squealed in delight

A little piece of cheese in sight

Resisting with all her might

But not tonight!

Crumbles fell to the floor

A taste she does adore

Nutty and sweet monte amore

All she wants is just a little more

She scrunched her nose and made a squeak

Slowly she became a mouse, so to speak.

Inspired by my recent adoration of aged cheddar cheese! 🧀


Where’s the glow?

I used to love making things beautiful

Now, I just want to survive my day.

I wish my world were still filled with finesse

But you see, I am overwhelmed by this mess.

Still, I try to make things lovely and nice,

Baking sweet things with sugar and spice.

Clearing shelves and setting out decor,

But for some reason, it doesn’t sparkle like before.

I keep hoping for the magic to return.

Until it does, I’ll fake this smile and carry on.

poetry, writing

Belly Up

Sunlight streamed through a paned window

Westward facing, afternoon rays brought heat.

Padded feet plodded down the hall,

The glow brought him from the shadows.

Making a circle, he softly purred in delight.

Flopping down, his dark fur danced,

Sun shimmered in his blue eyes.

He soaked it all in, this was his moment,

His moment in the sun, belly up.